What soil and pots are best for Money Trees? Money Trees are prone to root rot, so their most pressing want is to be able to drain efficiently. The great soil is peat-based, potting mixes like cactus blends. The pot you select needs a drainage hole and be one measurement large than the pot it used to be in. This article will teach you how to mix the best soil for your money tree.
Why Is It Important To Choose The Right Soil
It’s essential to choose the correct soil for the money tree because it gets all its nutrition and water from the soil. The plant remains in the soil for as long as you decide to re-pot them again.
Still, it’ll affect the plant’s health, which will lead to problems and conditions, if you don’t choose the right soil.
Keep the below-mentioned points in mind while opting for the right soil for your money tree.
The soil should contain all the nutrients that your plant requires.
It should deliver water to all corridors of the plant through the roots. The soil should be well aerated.
It should hold enough water for the plant and support well drainage that allows redundant water to drain out.
Signs That Indicate That You Are Using The Wrong Potting Soil
- Drooping Leaves
Other than overwatering and underwatering, using the wrong soil blend can beget drooping leaves in your money tree.
Indeed if you’re giving the plant acceptable water, the wrong soil blend will retain further water and not allow acceptable water drainage. It’ll affect the roots and damage them.
The wrong soil blend might also fail to hold the required water if it has too numerous large particles. It’ll lead to an underwater plant, and the leaves will droop due to a lack of water.
- Brown Spots
When you have an overwatered plant, the leaves start showing brown spots on them. still, overwatering might not be the reason every time. Using the wrong soil can also affect the plant and its health.
Heavy soil mixes that hold too important water also let the plant sit on the water for days. The redundant water won’t drain out, causing root rot and brown spots on leaves.
- Falling Leaves
The leaves fall off the plant when it’s susceptible to root rot after sitting on the water for numerous days. Take the roots of your money tree and report the plant if there’s a root rot using the correct soil. It’ll allow the plant to recover and not have root rot in the future.

The Best Soil For Money Trees
Money Trees need well-draining soil to accommodate the thorough watering that is needed by your plant. A sandy, peat-grounded soil is the best choice for your money Tree. The soil should be suitable to drain snappily and not hold a lot of humidity as that will beget root rot in your money tree.
Potting soils with high ratios of organic compost aren’t ideal. They will hold too much humidity, which again isn’t ideal for your tree.
While planting for replanting composites, look for component lists that include:
Peat Moss
Pre-mixed cactus soil is the stylish soil you can buy premade in stores for your money tree. These composites generally contain a blend of peat and beach. This is an excellent option if you want a quick result, or don’t have the space to mix your own soil.
How To Mix Your Own Money Tree Soil
Do you prefer to DIY from what you have on hand instead of buying a blend for just one plant? You can make your own replanting mix! Mixing your own soil will allow you to add redundant constituents for drainage and nutrients.
- Recipe 1
Peat Moss
Coarse Sand/Rocks
The vast majority of replanting soils are created from a peat moss base. Peat moss is easy to find and also retains a bit of humidity for the roots. On its own, peat moss is too heavy to plant your money Trees in, but by adding one part sand and one part perlite, you’ll have soil that will keep your money Tree happy and thriving.
- Recipe 2
Coconut Coir
Perlite or Vermiculite
Coconut Coir is a derivate of the coconut fiber assiduity. It’s generally vended in compacted, dried bricks that need water added to them to expand before being used as a growing medium. It’s also veritably low in nutrients for your money tree, so you’ll need to add one part of compost as well. Perlite or Vermiculite will be the last component and help make sure your soil drains snappily and effectively.
- Recipe 3
Cactus or succulent mix
Peat moss
You can prepare this form if you formerly have some cactus or succulent mix. This type of soil is formerly well-draining, so we will just add some peat moss to retain the humidity long enough for the money tree to absorb the same. This form not only makes the soil well-draining but also allows good aeration that will keep the roots healthy.
Do Money Tree Pots Need Drainage Holes
Money Trees need at least one drainage hole in their pot. They bear intermittent, deep watering, and the primary way you can tell if they’re rightly doused is to observe water trickling from a drainage hole. money Trees are veritably susceptible to root spoilage caused by oversaturation. One hole is the minimum, but more holes are ideal. The redundant holes allow the water to drain snappily and effectively. However, replace your pot incontinently, if your money Tree pot doesn’t presently have any drainage holes.
Still, there’s a simple trick to keep this from happening, if you’re upset about soil flowing out of the drainage hole along with the water. Before potting your money Tree, cover the drainage holes with a fine mesh, like a cheesecloth or a coffee filter. This barrier will retain the soil and let the water drain through.