Fiddle leaf figs are content to stay pot-bound in a smaller pot, however, if you want them to grow to max capacity, they will need to be transplanted into a larger planter to spread out and fill out.
What Are Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees
The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, also known as the Ficus Lyrata, is becoming an increasingly popular house plant. There are a couple of variations of this plant, but the most popular remains the tall variation with the large luscious green leaves in the shape of a violin. Regardless of which variation of the Ficus Lyrata you choose, they all prefer a similar type of replanting soil.
Fiddle Leaf Figs make a statement but are also low maintenance. The best way to maintain them is to keep them in an environment similar to their natural habitat of central and western Africa, warm and sticky, with minimum sunlight.
Still, it isn’t necessary to entirely replicate this environment for your Fiddle Leaf Fig to thrive. Keeping your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree indoors at comfortable room temperature will allow it to thrive.
Why Soil For Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees Matters
Soil isn’t just a decorative element to keep plants in place. Soil is an important component when it comes to keeping your plants healthy and thriving.
When you choose soil for your house plant, you want to make sure that it provides the following:
- Access to the right quantum of water.
- Temperature control to the plant and roots.
- Acceptable quantum of nutrients.
- A place to anchor.
- Proper aeration and gas exchange.
Since each plant species is different, you want to research to figure out what type of soil works best for each of your plants. Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees are no exception.
Choosing Soil For Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees
Although it may be tempting to use one type of soil for all of your plants, you want to be veritably particular about the soil you choose for your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. You also want to pay special attention to the state of the soil, since Fiddle Leaf trees might suffer when the soil is too wet or too dry.
When choosing the best soil for Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees, you want one that will improve the drainage and aeration around the roots. Indeed when your soil is completely impregnated, it should still contain air pockets.
Fiddle Leaf Fig plants thrive the best with well-draining soil and containers with drainage holes so that when you pour water into your container, the excess should flow through the bottom of your pot. The soil should be of the best quality you can get. Make sure that you regularly check the soil and water your plant if it feels too dry.

Keep in mind that mature Fiddle Leaf Fig plants in large pots will bear an advanced volume of water than lower plants in small pots. On the other hand, you may need to water-soak lower pots more constantly since their soil will dry out hastily.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees also grow best in soil with a slightly acidic pH, nearly between5.5-7.0. Still, this isn’t the most important factor to consider when choosing foil for your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant. They aren’t too picky and can generally handle a pH that’s a bit outside this range.
Indeed after choosing a type of soil for your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant, you’ll want to cover it to ensure it responds well. However, you need to plant it in new soil as soon as possible, if you see your plant responding poorly.
Signs you need new soil for your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree include:
- Drooping leaves This can be a sign that your plant has too important or not enough water, which can be if your soil blend doesn’t contain minerals that contribute to good drainage, or that slightly holds any water.
- Falling leaves Falling leaves are an index of root rot. Root rot generally happens when you use an inadequately-draining soil blend that leads to your plant sitting in water, and Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees detest sitting in water.
- Brown spots This is the most common problem among Fiddle Leaf Fig plants, which is also caused by overwatering. Indeed if you’re only overwatering your plant a little, if you’re using inadequately-draining soil, that margin for error becomes lower and you put your Fiddle Leaf Fig plant at advanced threat.
What’s The Best Soil For Fiddle Leaf Figs
The best soil for fiddle leaf figs is well-draining, rich in organic matter, and has a pH of 5.5 to 7. When mixing or copping soil for a fiddle leaf fig, your primary considerations are good aeration, humidity retention, drainage, optimal gassy exchange, and nutrient storehouse.
The soil you elect for your plants plays a huge part in their overall health. The root system of a fiddle leaf fig is its lifeline, and for this reason, it should be anchored in the best possible living conditions. While fiddle leaf figs can be delicate, choosing the right soil for them is one of the simpler ways when it comes to their care. Both water input and nutrient input directly impact how healthy and happy your fiddle leaf fig will be. However, your plant becomes far more susceptible to illness or infection, if out of balance. Overall, it just won’t be suitable to thrive.
In the sections that follow, we’ll take a near look at how you can mix the perfect soil for your fiddle leaf fig. Getting this fundamental care aspect right from the get-go will make for a far easier trip with your plants going forward.